Thursday 3 March 2011

Well, it's March

I forgot I had this blog, then was reminded of it when I happened to read another blog that had fallen by the wayside after one post.  It looked kinda sad, a couple of lines of text from someone that had intentions of venting whatever was on their mind but then decided against it for whatever reason, or merely forgot all about it like I had.  So now I'm back, and I have kept up my bargain (partially).

Yes, I have been posting material online, though for now it's mainly other people's material.  You can find it over at if you have a mind to.  I have also got involved with an online collective that is in the process of making an album (again from other people's work, this time samples).  More on that when the project is complete.

That life changing decision was to split from my wife of over 5 years.  She moves out tomorrow, and I guess without wanting to sound really cold about it all, I'm happy about it.  I'm not exactly sure what the future may hold for me, but deep down I do know that whatever may come I will be able to face it better without that added bit of baggage.  I need time to find myself again, I guess.

I'll make a promise, to myself since I'm not really expecting anyone to actually read this, that I will blog on here more often.  I never usually manage to keep diaries, in fact my actual book form diary I bought just for work shifts hasn't got a single mark in it yet.  I keep noting down my shifts on little pieces of paper.  Maybe there is some kind of insight to be gained from this.   But I'll try to do this maybe once a fortnight or so, for now, maybe weekly if I have a mind to.

If any of this has interested you, or you have read this and just want to let me know, then please do so.  Oh, and do surf on over to the youtube channel and watch some videos.  I like to see the views increase :)

Just edited this to include this wee bit:  I am also on twitter, where I do post slightly more frequently.  Not much of what I say is all that interesting but if you are of a mind to then follow me: @phantguitarist
Guess it's easier to tweet than to blog due to the minimal amount of words required.

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